Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Days 11-20

(These are accurate for the dates, just hadn't made it on the blog till now ;))

I am thankful for...

11 Children's church workers. Their willingness to volunteer means that I can sit and learn in church instead of trying to occupy the boys. Except for the days I'm one of the volunteers ;) But doing it is a blessing too!

12 Being able to brush Ethan again. I haven't been able to "brush" him (Google Wilbarger protocol if you're interested) in two months because of a hand injury. His behavior went waaay downhill :( His OT gave me a handle for his brush and I can brush him again! By the next day we already could see an improvement in his behavior :) Just in case we thought it wasn't doing any good...

13 A huge blessing... Someone who knew we were in need took me to Walmart and bought us almost $100 of diapers :happytears

14 Cool weather, and yummy chili!

15 Knowledge of food intolerances and their symptoms. Ethan had a severe behavioral reaction to a food. When he was younger, citrus fruits gave him diarrhea and a diaper rash. My mom is allergic, so I thought he might be too. I haven't given him any in a long time. His allergy tests came back negative for citrus. I thought it might be an intolerance he had grown out of. Someone gave us some satsumas off their tree recently. Ethan and I split one. Within a couple minutes after he finished it, he told me his mouth burned. That's the beginning of an allergic reaction for me so I knew what had happened :( Later, when the behavioral reaction kicked in, I recognized it for what it was. Jesse said he was acting like he was possessed. Unfortunately, he's right... Ethan was possessed by a chemical reaction in his body that he couldn't control :( And when he started coming out of it, he realized he was out of control. And he was SCARED. Knowing what was going on enabled me to stay relatively calm and help him through it. It wasn't easy, but we all made it through...

16 Good day with Ethan. After the rough night before, it was incredibly wonderful to have such a great day! He was very even emotionally, happy, curious, etc. It was nice to not have to deal with his issues hardly at all, even if it was just for one day :) (That might sound terrible but parents of special needs children understand exactly what I mean!)

17 Opportunity to bless a teen mom-to-be (daughter of a friend) by attending her baby shower. Yes, she made a mistake. Yes, she still deserves our love and support!

18 Operation Christmas Child. We are struggling so much financially but Jesse found little bit of money for us to do one shoebox this year :) Ethan remembered doing it last year and was excited to do it again!

19 A friend who blesses us with free haircuts :) We find ways to bless her in return but she refuses to accept money for them!

20 Cuddly kiddos <3

Thursday, November 15, 2012

I Know, I Know...

I'm slacking! Plenty to be grateful for, but it's not making it to the blog :p I'll catch up soon...

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Day 10

I am thankful that our apartment has a dishwasher! Especially when I've been sick and the dishes are piled up...

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Day 9

Today I am thankful for books! Sometimes it's nice to lose yourself for a while in a good story :)

And on a related note... I really like having a personal library of hundreds of books at my fingertips ;)

Friday, November 9, 2012

Day 8

Whoops... Forgot :p

I am thankful for medicine! I rarely use it, but I am grateful that it's there when I need it!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Day 7

Today I am thankful that I have two little blessings who call me Mommy <3

Day 6

I am thankful for the right to vote! Nuff said!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Day 5

Today I am thankful for the times I get to enjoy with my mom <3

Monday, November 5, 2012

Day 4

Today I am thankful for generous, compassionate people. Yes, there's a story behind that. No, I'm not making it public ;)

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Day 3

Today I am thankful for a little time to myself. I don't get it very often so I really appreciate it!

I Have Some Catching Up to Do!

Things around here have been rough :(

In September, the main company Jesse freelanced for decided they didn't need him anymore. There was no warning. He just woke up one day and had an email and that was that... He had some smaller side jobs, but nothing near what we needed financially. The little bit of savings we had was gone pretty quickly. He's gotten some jobs here and there since then, and got his business website up and running. But if not for the help of family members, who knows where we'd be living. Certainly not here. I don't know how long the help will last, but am extremely grateful for it! We may soon be looking at having to find someone with a spare room who's willing to let us live there for a while till we can get back up on our feet again :'( Jesse is working 70-80 hour weeks right now for very little pay. Which leaves me doing pretty much everything else. At least we have food stamps coming in now so that's definitely helping!

October, we didn't get hardly any school done. The boys were sick. Then I was sick. My anemia got really bad because I reduced my supplements to make them last longer. There is only one type of iron I tolerate well, it's only made (and sold) by one company, and it's not cheap. Between being sick and anemic, my hand/wrist that I strained in September has been extremely slow to heal. I'm still having to wear a brace for most of the day. My chiropractor would probably be able to help, but it's a money issue right now. We ended the month with Jesse not being able to work for almost a week because of having the flu. Sometime in the midst of all that, we found out the place Ethan is getting his occupational therapy is having to shut down :( There is only one other place in this area that accepts Medicaid but it is a lot different. For one, they only do therapy 30 minutes a week instead of the 60 we get now. It's a lot further away. There will be a long waiting list. We can't even get on the waiting list until the current place releases him. His therapist asked me if we wanted her to do the release paperwork so he can get on the waiting list. NO WAY! It's so important to us that Ethan gets as much therapy as he can at his current place, which he's used to, rather than stop there when we don't know if the new place will work out. The therapists at the other place are supposed to be excellent, but Ethan is not the easiest child to work with and I don't know how willing to work with him they will be...

Okay, onto some good things :)

When we've done school, Ethan has enjoyed it :) I jumped ahead a week in the curriculum because he knew what we were covering and was ready to move on. There has only been one day where he couldn't focus well enough to do that day's lesson plan. So I did a review day instead. Gotta love the flexibility of homeschooling ;)

We started a new therapy with Ethan's social worker. It's called Circle of Security http://circleofsecurity.net/ COS is based on attachment theory and is a perfect fit for us! It focuses on what Jesse and I are doing, what our emotional triggers are, and how our relationship with our children is. It's helping me fine-tune things a bit, but Jesse is really getting a lot out of it :) He told me that a lot of what he's "learning" is stuff that I've told him, but it's presented in a way that he understands. One of the main points of COS is that we should be Bigger, Stronger, Wiser, and Kind with our children. It's something I try to keep in mind!

Jesse is taking some time off from worship team. There are good and bad things about this, but right now it's mostly good. Sundays were long, difficult days for me, and his break takes a lot off my shoulders. There were a number of reasons he felt the need to step back for a while and we've seen nothing but good come of it so far :) He talked with the worship leader who was very understanding. I know he misses being on the team but I think the temporary sacrifice has been worth it for him.

Hmmm... I think that's it for now. I'll try to keep up better on here but it's hard with only having one computer! Jesse is taking a few much-needed hours off work to watch some college football on TV (GEAUX RAGIN' CAJUNS!!!!!) so I'm taking advantage of the opportunity to be typing much faster on a computer keyboard instead of the touchscreen on my phone ;)

Friday, November 2, 2012

Day 2

Today I am thankful that Jesse's dad and (step)mom make the effort to get all three "children" and their families together every 5-6 weeks. Usually it's at their house, sometimes (like tonight) it's at a restaurant. But either place, it's nice to spend time with everyone :)

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Day 1

Today I am thankful for the mental health services we are getting for Ethan. I really need to blog about the new therapy we're doing (it's awesome!) but I get frustrated over how long it takes to do it on my phone :(

Suffice it to say I have ZERO doubt that God led us to the right place, and we have the best people possible working with us! Bonus - Even though it's a state facility, both our case manager and our social worker are both Christians :D

30 Days of Thankfulness

I REALLY need to do it this year...

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


As of today, we are officially homeschoolers :D We planned on starting last week, then Hurricane Isaac headed our way so we decided to wait. Yesterday, well, it just wasn't happening :p So today it was! We did school after breakfast today, but we'll be doing it after lunch instead so I can work out in the mornings.

I'm using the Abeka K4 curriculum for Ethan, but I can already see I will be tweaking it a bit ;) He was so excited about starting school today! Week 1 is very light in what we do (no math or writing), and he was rather disappointed. "What's next? What do we do next, Mommy? I want to write!" LOL So I pulled out his dry erase board and dry erase crayons and let him write to his heart's content ;) I have some workbooks (Abeka 3-yr-old level) for Gabriel to do when wants. Today he played until I pulled out the dry erase, then he "wrote" with Ethan :)

Here's what our schedule looks (will look) like:
Brushing (Wilbarger protocol)
Warm-Ups (from Brain Gym; his former OT did them with him and I'm glad I wrote it down!)
Bible/prayer (taught by Jesse)
Art/Music/PE/Sensory activities

I'm excited that Ethan's so excited! I hope he stays enthusiastic :) I know there will be rough days, but I've planned on homeschooling since before we had kids so I'm glad it's finally here!!!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Been a Little While...

I have such good intentions of keeping this updated... When I can get a laptop, it'll be easier. Blogging from my phone just takes longer than I have the patience for most days :p The typing I do is usually posting at www.gentlechristianmothers.com/community but the site is on summer vacation right now ;)

Ethan's continuing to progress with his occupational therapy :) We don't know how much longer he'll have it. The department it's under is in danger of being shut down due to budget cuts :( If it ends up a casualty of politics, there is only one other place that takes Medicaid for OT in this area. And I don't know if it would be worth it... Guess if/when that time comes, we'll make a decision.

His behavioral therapy has been a bit different. The social worker has been doing home visits. She wanted to see him in a setting he'd be more comfortable. It's worked out to be a very good change! She's gotten a lot of new insight and even got to see a meltdown including most of the lead-up. We'll be starting a new therapy this week called Circle of Security. Friday will be our intro meeting about it. I looked around their website some and was happy with what I've seen so far. It meshes really well with our style of parenting, and addresses some issues that haven't been resolved with what we've done so far.

And it couldn't have come at a better time! The last week with Ethan has been the worst we've had for a while :( He and Jesse are on another spiral of feeding off each other's negativity. It's awful to be around... Especially for someone like me who is so in tune with their emotions. Today and Monday were pretty bad. It's really hard to keep myself from absorbing the intensity of those emotions and letting them pull me down too. Let me just say that I have empathic tendencies, and anyone who has them knows what struggles I'm facing in the midst of all this anger and turmoil... I had to partially restrain him today which I haven't had to do in a while. But last night he fell asleep on the couch with his head in my lap... And this morning he and I rough-housed for a long time. It hasn't all been negative :)

On to Gabriel! He is so expressive and cracks me up when he gets going :) He's started throwing toys to get attention. It's not something we can ignore :( We're trying to figure out an appropriate consequence that works for the situation. He went through a short period of hitting himself in the head when he got frustrated, and wanting attention for it. Thankfully that's getting better! It's so hard not to respond when he does it, but that's the only way the behavior will stop. He's 2.5 and acting in very age-appropriate ways ;)

Ethan's birthday and party are this month :) He wants Clifford for his theme. I have a neat cake idea, just hope it turns out like I'm hoping!

I made Ethan a weighted pillow a few weeks ago. It's to put on his lap while sitting to help him sit still. He asks for it when he feels he needs it and has done really well with it so far! I'll try to get a post up specifically about the pillow...

And in other news... The boys' homeschool curriculum came in :) I'm pretty nervous but definitely excited too! Abeka K4 for Ethan (manuscript), and a few of their toddler workbooks for Gabriel. We also got the Abeka bible curriculum. We are mostly happy with it but will be adding some extra lessons as well.

Hmmm... I'm exhausted, so that's all for now! I'll try to be better about posting on this blog :p

Monday, May 14, 2012

From My Husband

My hubby wrote this Mother's Day night and I wanted to share it with y'all...


Monday, April 23, 2012


Something that I think about from time to time... And the past few days have been one of those times...

I feel we are so blessed with how things ended up with the boys!

1. I was 32 when I had Ethan, my first. If I had been much younger, his challenges would have been SOOO much harder to deal with! My wonderful Savior knew what He was doing by me not getting pregnant before that! True, we waited until we were a bit older, but it also took 27 months of trying for me to get pregnant...

2. If we had had another child before Ethan, his differences and challenges would've stood out so much more. I can't imagine what we would have thought about him...

3. If Ethan wasn't our first, the child(ren) before him would've been practically neglected :( He was so high needs from birth that he took all of our time and energy. We had nothing left.

4. We wouldn't have appreciated Gabriel's calm demeanor nearly as much without dealing with Ethan's anxiety, etc first. It's the flip side of 2.

5. If we had an easier child first, we never would have looked for alternate discipline strategies. There would've been no need. This search is what led us to grace-based discipline. And that has influenced so much in our lives...

There are days (weeks, sometimes) that Ethan really gets under my skin. They don't happen nearly as often, but they still do. This morning I had to get up early for Ethan's OT appointment. Gabriel got up when I did, but Ethan stayed asleep. Gabriel played contentedly while I got ready. It was so nice not to have to hear Ethan's whining and complaining. Not that he's like that all the time, but, well, let's just say he's not a morning person ;)

I try not to let Ethan's behavior get to me. But I'm human... And he can be really challenging... When I start getting resentful toward him, I remember that God gave me THIS child for a reason! And He will help me through the challenging times!

It's not Ethan's fault he's challenging any more than Gabriel can take credit for being fairly easy. Our job as parents is to accept them and love them. No matter what their difficulties are. We have a responsibility to disciple them - to train them in the way they should go. Lovingly. What is the importance of love? What does this look like?

"If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but do not have love, I have become a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of  prophecy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge; and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. And if I give all my possessions to feed  the poor,  and if I surrender my body to be burned, but do not have love, it profits me nothing.

Love is patient, love is kind  and  is not jealous; love does not brag and  is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong  suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails..." 1 Corinthians 13:1-8a

Thanking God tonight for my two precious little blessings...

Friday, April 20, 2012

An Update... Finally!

1. Homeschool, here... we... come! We ordered the Abeka K4 curriculum for Ethan, and a few of the 3's workbooks for Gabriel. We also bought the preschool bible set (stories and pictures). It won't be shipped till June but we aren't starting until August. Jesse wants to start the bible when it gets here, so we'll probably do that :)

I'm excited and nervous! We decided to go with a traditional curriculum for the first few years to make sure the boys get a good foundation in language and math. I don't know if we'll stick with Abeka but right now it's a good fit for us :)

Even though Ethan will be 5 in July, we don't feel he's mature enough for a regular kindergarten curriculum. He's smart, but he lags behind his peer group in social skills and overall maturity. So K4 it is :) We wanted to give him something manageable this year that shouldn't challenge him much. We want him to get his feet wet in regards to the idea of school, to learn some of the structure and routine, before diving in to a challenging K5 curriculum.

2. Ethan had his retest for occupational therapy the past few weeks. It was split into two sessions, with a break for Easter in the middle. I haven't gotten the results yet but hope to have them at his appointment Monday. I've seen growth here at home with his motor skills and sensory issues, and I hope that's reflected in his test results!

3. We are still doing behavioral therapy every week. But the emphasis has shifted from doing things with Ethan to just Jesse and me meeting with the social worker. The next phase in the parent-child interaction therapy we were doing involved some things that went against our parenting beliefs. So instead we're working with specific issues and concerns when we meet.

The biggie right now is that although Ethan's overall anxiety has decreased, he is getting more and more rigid in his routines :( For example, at every meal, there is a growing "script" he says:
"Can you make this again?" (waits for my reply)
"Thank you" (waits for my reply)
"Does it have salt and pepper in it?" (waits for my reply)
"How did you make this?" (waits for my reply)
If anything interrupts his "script," he gets extremely agitated! If I'm not home, he has to have Jesse text me the first two items.
He is making more and more routines, and if things don't go EXACTLY in the "right" order, a meltdown ensues...

In the past, as his anxiety has increased, his rigidity and OCD-type behaviors have also increased. But this time, his anxiety hasn't increased. In fact, it's decreased. Which makes me even more concerned.

We discussed this with his social worker today. She is going to talk to the psychiatrist about it in the next couple weeks and let us know what she says (she only is there 1 day a week). In the meantime, the next appointment will be a home visit with the social worker. She'll teach Ethan (and us) some relaxation techniques to help Ethan cope better. She specifically mentioned deep breathing, guided imagery, and muscle tensing/relaxation.

Eventually I'll share some of the things we learned in the parts of PCIT we did, and how they worked :)

3. So... I mentioned a while back that we had made the switch to grace-based parenting. The boys are responding so well to it! Especially Ethan :) I want to do a post just on how GBD looks in our home, but that will take some time and a good bit of mental energy to put together. The ladies at www.gentlechristianmothers.com have been a Godsend in helping us through this transition! If you want to get an idea of what GBD is, you can look around there. www.aolff.org also has some great resources. I don't agree with her 100% theologically, but her parenting articles are awesome!

4. It's been a rough year... Lots of sickness and health problems, car issues, really tough financial spots, etc. But our awesome God and Savior has brought us through them! We are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, and it is no longer the headlight of an oncoming train ;) Jesse's work-from-home job has picked back up after a few months of very little work. He's also laying the groundwork for his personal business. Right now this means he's working 12-15 hour days, 7 days a week. But this is only for the short term! We're all looking forward to him having a fairly normal schedule soon :)

Hmmm... I guess that's the major stuff... I'll try to update more often, but with the way things have gone, I don't get much time to blog! Most posts are from my phone so they take forever :p Right now Jesse and Gabriel are taking a much-needed nap so I grabbed my chance to get on the computer ;)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Boys' Allergy Testing

I blogged about it on my health blog. I know some of you don't follow it but may be interested in what happened today.


I'm still trying to process the emotions. I'll probably post here about them when I'm ready...

Friday, March 9, 2012

Allergy Testing

The boys have an appointment with a pediatric allergist later this month. Their pedi set it up at my request to do food allergy testing.

I don't know what kind of testing they're going to do. I'm putting together a list of questions to call and ask about what to expect. They are sending me a packet to fill out. I don't know if there will be some info in there that answers my questions but I'm hoping!

If anyone knows of a question I should ask, please leave it in the comments!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Sad Goodbye...

Today we said goodbye to Ethan's occupational therapist :( She lost her job due to budget cuts and today was her last day. We knew it was coming but we didn't find out till Tuesday when it would be.

I knew Ethan was going to be really upset about her leaving. The last couple weeks I've been hinting around about it. He asked me Tuesday night and I told him. He took it better than I expected. When I broke the news to him, I suggested he could make her a book and we could bring it to her and tell her bye.

So yesterday I gave him 10 sheets of typing paper and his bucket of crayons. I didn't give him any directions other than "make the book for Ms. J." He drew. He wrote. He was done in 10 minutes LOL Last night he chose sheets of construction paper for the front and back cover. I punched holes and tied it all together with string. We went page by page and I added captions to his pages as he told me what they were.

This morning I wrote her a letter thanking her for all she had done for Ethan. I had been trying since Tuesday but I couldn't put the words together. I composed it on my phone and then wrote it out with purple ink and sealed it in an envelope.

I had emailed to find out what time she was free today. She was in her office when we got there. Ethan knocked. She opened the door and was so excited to see him! Ethan gave her the book he had made. She looked at every page and commented enthusiastically. I gave her the envelope, telling her to read it later. There were hugs and heartfelt goodbyes.

I didn't know how Ethan would handle telling her bye. He was fine.

I was the one holding back tears as we walked to the car...

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Really Neat Memory

I just had a memory pop up out of nowhere...

I was very close to my paternal grandparents growing up. My grandmother went Home less than a year before I met Jesse. My grandfather joined her the fall of Katrina. But he got to meet and spend some time with Jesse. I'm so thankful for that :) I miss them both terribly still. Just writing this is bringing tears to my eyes... I dream about them sometimes, that I'm at their house, feel their love surrounding me, just like it did during some rough times in my life...

Anyway. My grandparents watched my brother and I after school/Mother's Day Out for a couple years. One afternoon I was working on social studies homework. I was probably in 6th grade. It was a map that had to be colored in with colored pencils. I don't remember the details, but there was a set color for each section. I really wanted to finish it but my colored pencils had very little points left. They were worn down to the wood. I asked my grandparents if they had a pencil sharpener. Grand-daddy said they didn't but that he had something in his tools he could use. So he took my whole pack of colored pencils out to the garage.

Time passed. He was still out there. I went to see what was taking so long.

He was standing out there with his pocket knife, shaving the wood from each pencil by hand, until it had a good point on it. I got upset and told him it could wait till I got home and I could use my pencil sharpener. But he insisted. He stayed out there and worked on them until almost the whole pack was nice and sharp. He wasn't young. His hands must have been tired. They were probably hurting, if not cramping. But for some reason it was important to him that he did that for me :')

I wish that I could give him a big hug again and tell him thank you. It was in the little things he and my grandmother did that I felt their love, and God's love. They are a huge part of why I'm a Christian today.

I wish they could see me and my life now... I hope they would be proud of me... <3

Friday, February 24, 2012

Big Dietary Changes

For those of you who don't follow my health blog...

A few weeks ago we did a 9-day fast from obvious wheat. When I reintroduced it, both boys and I had reactions :( So we are now wheat-free. I'm not being real particular about avoiding gluten in any form right now. The boys will be getting bloodwork done to test for celiac disease. I'm waiting to hear back from their pedi's office about when they'll do it (their pedi is out of town right now). After we get the results back, we will hopefully have enough info to make some big decisions. Until then... We pray.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Special Moment!

Sometimes the joys of parenting are about the little things... The things you don't expect to make you feel warm and fuzzy.

We live in south Louisiana. It's Mardi Gras season and we live very close to where the parades pass. Today we were in very slow stop and go traffic along the parade route. Gabriel pointed and said Truck! I looked over and we were next to a parking lot full of RV's. People come from out of town in RV's in the time leading up to Mardi Gras and park in small "communities" in parking lots.

I found unexpected joy in explaining to the boys what RV's were, their similarities and differences to hotel rooms, etc. Instead of being frustrated that it was taking a long time to get where we were going, I took advantage of a teachable moment.

My reward was Ethan's fascination, and the knowledge that little moments like these deepen our connection to each other...

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Monday night Ethan was brushing his teeth before bed. He told me he needed to go potty. He asks to go very occasionally but I didn't think much of it. We put the ring on the toilet. He pulled down his jeans and took off his Pull-Up. I helped him sit and position himself. He sat for a bit while I did my neti pot. He said something about feeling it getting ready to come down.

And then it happened...

He peed on the potty!!! For the first time! At 4 1/2 ;)

Especially with his sensory issues, I know it may be a long time before it happens again. This doesn't mean he's ready. I'm not going to push him. When he's ready, he'll go again.

But in the meantime, I'm happy that he FINALLY had one success with potty learning :D

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Quick Round of Updates

I have a few rare minutes on the computer! And since I can type a LOT faster on here than on my phone (where I usually post from), I'm taking advantage ;)

Ethan had his developmental optometrist appointment. We found out he has astigmatism. We picked up his glasses Monday. He's been really good about keeping them on! This is one time when his OCD tendencies are helpful LOL He gets up in the mornings, and as soon as he's fairly awake, he asks for them. They stay on till he gets ready for bed :) When he first put them on in the doctor's office, he looked around with an amazed expression. I'm so glad we found out he needed them at an early age! The vision therapist hasn't called me yet but the optometrist recommended vision therapy for some of his other eye issues. Which would be great for him! BUT it's almost two hours away and they're the closest vision therapy place that accepts Medicaid :( I want to look into maybe going once a month. We won't have to pay for the therapy itself, but gas + eating isn't cheap. Plus the 4-hour car trip with both boys. My car (our only vehicle) has been giving me problems so that's a consideration too...

And the sad news... The clinic where Ethan has OT and Speech is closing :( I'm so upset :'( Ethan LOVES his occupational therapist! She's so awesome with him. His speech therapist is good too, but he isn't as attached to her, and speech isn't something he needs a lot of help with. There's only one other place in town we can get therapy. His occupational therapist told me this week that OT there is very different. It's only 1/2 hour (he gets almost an hour now), and the OT itself isn't the same. It's a lot faster-paced. Ethan will be CRUSHED :( I'm worried about how well he'll function in a faster-paced session, plus losing his therapist he's so close to. And his occupational therapist doesn't know where she'll be able to get a job now :( I have to call the other clinic Monday and see if he can get on the waiting lists there. It's at least several months long and he might not be able to get on the list until his clinic closes because of Medicaid. Guess I'll find out Monday... Every time I think about it, I want to bust out crying. I know when I tell Ethan the tears will be flowing - for both of us :(

Otherwise, things are going good :) The boys are responding so well to our paradigm shift of using grace-based discipline (not to be confused with permissive parenting!). I've been hanging out a lot on Gentle Christian Mothers (http://www.gentlechristianmothers.com) with the wonderful ladies there!

Okay, all for now :)
