Tuesday, September 4, 2012


As of today, we are officially homeschoolers :D We planned on starting last week, then Hurricane Isaac headed our way so we decided to wait. Yesterday, well, it just wasn't happening :p So today it was! We did school after breakfast today, but we'll be doing it after lunch instead so I can work out in the mornings.

I'm using the Abeka K4 curriculum for Ethan, but I can already see I will be tweaking it a bit ;) He was so excited about starting school today! Week 1 is very light in what we do (no math or writing), and he was rather disappointed. "What's next? What do we do next, Mommy? I want to write!" LOL So I pulled out his dry erase board and dry erase crayons and let him write to his heart's content ;) I have some workbooks (Abeka 3-yr-old level) for Gabriel to do when wants. Today he played until I pulled out the dry erase, then he "wrote" with Ethan :)

Here's what our schedule looks (will look) like:
Brushing (Wilbarger protocol)
Warm-Ups (from Brain Gym; his former OT did them with him and I'm glad I wrote it down!)
Bible/prayer (taught by Jesse)
Art/Music/PE/Sensory activities

I'm excited that Ethan's so excited! I hope he stays enthusiastic :) I know there will be rough days, but I've planned on homeschooling since before we had kids so I'm glad it's finally here!!!