Friday, December 24, 2010

So Thankful...

That even though we've had a rough year financially, we were able to get some really neat presents for the boys :-) It's not about how much we spent. In fact, some of the things Ethan will enjoy most were a dollar or less!

As I was wrapping presents last night, I thought about what the boys will think of them. One in particular made me smile... Ever since we went to the children's museum last week (part of celebrating Gabriel's birthday), Ethan has asked off and on for a Walmart bag, presumably so he can go grocery shopping. I told him that I couldn't let him play with them because they could hurt Gabriel. But it gave me the idea of buying him some of the reusable ones for Christmas. He saw me put a couple of them in our shopping cart this week and he told me, "Mommy, I want that!" I gave him my Oh, Puh-leeze look and smiled and didn't say anything. They're now wrapped with the rest of his gifts. Can't wait to see his face when he opens them LOL

I don't know how much Gabriel will be into opening presents. Or how he'll react to his new toys. I hope he enjoys himself :-)

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