Sunday, November 27, 2011

30 Days - Day 26

I am thankful for a great Thanksgiving Part 2 spent with my family and neighbor. Every year I cook a big dinner the Saturday after Thanksgiving and invite my family and friends. We have friends whose families are not in this area and they don't get to go home for Thanksgiving. So our dinner is their Thanksgiving.

This year I was disappointed because the friend who comes every year had car trouble and couldn't make it :( My brother's family also didn't come. So as far as I knew it was going to be just the 4 of us and my mom. I was kinda upset about it because it means so much to me to be able to have friends here who wouldn't otherwise have a Thanksgiving dinner. But when the food was almost done, I felt peaceful and thankful, despite it just being the five of us.

And then, we had a knock on the door. It was our neighbor. I had invited her numerous times but she hadn't said she was coming. She lives with her 2 adult sons and we see her outside a fair bit and have talked a lot. But we've only known her 6 months. And I didn't know how comfortable she would feel joining us.

As we all ate and hung out talking, I found out that her family had disowned her because she wouldn't take sides in a family quarrel. Her sons are the only family she has. And she's been out of work so money is tight.

She was SOOO appreciative of us sharing our Thanksgiving dinner with her! She enjoyed the company, and of course the food ;) She hugged me twice when she left and told me what a blessing I am.

So after all was said and done, I was able to bless a friend with her only Thanksgiving dinner anyway :) And that just made my Thanksgiving complete!

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