Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Monday night Ethan was brushing his teeth before bed. He told me he needed to go potty. He asks to go very occasionally but I didn't think much of it. We put the ring on the toilet. He pulled down his jeans and took off his Pull-Up. I helped him sit and position himself. He sat for a bit while I did my neti pot. He said something about feeling it getting ready to come down.

And then it happened...

He peed on the potty!!! For the first time! At 4 1/2 ;)

Especially with his sensory issues, I know it may be a long time before it happens again. This doesn't mean he's ready. I'm not going to push him. When he's ready, he'll go again.

But in the meantime, I'm happy that he FINALLY had one success with potty learning :D