Friday, April 20, 2012

An Update... Finally!

1. Homeschool, here... we... come! We ordered the Abeka K4 curriculum for Ethan, and a few of the 3's workbooks for Gabriel. We also bought the preschool bible set (stories and pictures). It won't be shipped till June but we aren't starting until August. Jesse wants to start the bible when it gets here, so we'll probably do that :)

I'm excited and nervous! We decided to go with a traditional curriculum for the first few years to make sure the boys get a good foundation in language and math. I don't know if we'll stick with Abeka but right now it's a good fit for us :)

Even though Ethan will be 5 in July, we don't feel he's mature enough for a regular kindergarten curriculum. He's smart, but he lags behind his peer group in social skills and overall maturity. So K4 it is :) We wanted to give him something manageable this year that shouldn't challenge him much. We want him to get his feet wet in regards to the idea of school, to learn some of the structure and routine, before diving in to a challenging K5 curriculum.

2. Ethan had his retest for occupational therapy the past few weeks. It was split into two sessions, with a break for Easter in the middle. I haven't gotten the results yet but hope to have them at his appointment Monday. I've seen growth here at home with his motor skills and sensory issues, and I hope that's reflected in his test results!

3. We are still doing behavioral therapy every week. But the emphasis has shifted from doing things with Ethan to just Jesse and me meeting with the social worker. The next phase in the parent-child interaction therapy we were doing involved some things that went against our parenting beliefs. So instead we're working with specific issues and concerns when we meet.

The biggie right now is that although Ethan's overall anxiety has decreased, he is getting more and more rigid in his routines :( For example, at every meal, there is a growing "script" he says:
"Can you make this again?" (waits for my reply)
"Thank you" (waits for my reply)
"Does it have salt and pepper in it?" (waits for my reply)
"How did you make this?" (waits for my reply)
If anything interrupts his "script," he gets extremely agitated! If I'm not home, he has to have Jesse text me the first two items.
He is making more and more routines, and if things don't go EXACTLY in the "right" order, a meltdown ensues...

In the past, as his anxiety has increased, his rigidity and OCD-type behaviors have also increased. But this time, his anxiety hasn't increased. In fact, it's decreased. Which makes me even more concerned.

We discussed this with his social worker today. She is going to talk to the psychiatrist about it in the next couple weeks and let us know what she says (she only is there 1 day a week). In the meantime, the next appointment will be a home visit with the social worker. She'll teach Ethan (and us) some relaxation techniques to help Ethan cope better. She specifically mentioned deep breathing, guided imagery, and muscle tensing/relaxation.

Eventually I'll share some of the things we learned in the parts of PCIT we did, and how they worked :)

3. So... I mentioned a while back that we had made the switch to grace-based parenting. The boys are responding so well to it! Especially Ethan :) I want to do a post just on how GBD looks in our home, but that will take some time and a good bit of mental energy to put together. The ladies at have been a Godsend in helping us through this transition! If you want to get an idea of what GBD is, you can look around there. also has some great resources. I don't agree with her 100% theologically, but her parenting articles are awesome!

4. It's been a rough year... Lots of sickness and health problems, car issues, really tough financial spots, etc. But our awesome God and Savior has brought us through them! We are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, and it is no longer the headlight of an oncoming train ;) Jesse's work-from-home job has picked back up after a few months of very little work. He's also laying the groundwork for his personal business. Right now this means he's working 12-15 hour days, 7 days a week. But this is only for the short term! We're all looking forward to him having a fairly normal schedule soon :)

Hmmm... I guess that's the major stuff... I'll try to update more often, but with the way things have gone, I don't get much time to blog! Most posts are from my phone so they take forever :p Right now Jesse and Gabriel are taking a much-needed nap so I grabbed my chance to get on the computer ;)

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