Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Giving Traditions

Last year was so hectic at this time with me being 8 1/2 months pregnant and still recovering from being hospitalized with H1N1. We didn't get to do the things we want to make traditions. The good thing though is that I think last year Ethan was still too young to understand anyway. So this year we're making a big effort to do the things we missed out on! This past week we've taken on 2 giving traditions.

1. Operation Christmas Child
I explained to Ethan that we were going to pack a box to send to a little boy or girl that lived far far away. I told him the child's family didn't have money to get Christmas presents so we were going to help. I told him there were a lot of things the child wouldn't have and we would get them. Since he has no concept of Santa (we don't do Santa, etc), it wasn't a big deal. I gave Ethan the choice between a boy or girl. He chose a boy. Big surprise ;-) I asked if he wanted the boy to be as old as him or bigger. He picked someone his age. So we were shopping for a 2-4 year old boy :-)

2. Salvation Army Angel Tree
We did this for the first time 2 years ago and really wanted to again. The Walmart we usually shop at didn't have a Tree, but we had gone to the one by my mom's and there was a Tree right when you walk in! I prayed as I circled it, looking at the names and ages of each child, and asked God to show me which underprivileged girl or boy to buy for. And then I saw a little boy named Gabriel. Who is the same age as Ethan. Yes!!!

Most of the items for both boys came from Dollar Tree. Ethan really enjoyed walking around with me, finding treasures for both boys. We distinguished between them by saying "the little boy who lives far far away" or "the little boy who lives in _____ (our town)." As we put things in our shopping cart, I explained to Ethan that the little boy who lives far far away might not have a toothbrush. He needs soap so he can take a bath. He probably doesn't have crayons. Etc. And for the other little boy, do you think he would like this? Etc. Ethan would find something he liked and hand it to me saying, "The little boy needs this." Most of the time it wasn't age appropriate and I'd tell him why. But he was so excited to help :-)

I didn't know how he'd do when it came time to actually pack the boxes. Theoretical giving is one thing, but actually packing the boxes and seeing all this cool stuff isn't yours... Well, that's quite another! But he did great! He eagerly helped me pack both boxes and Daddy came and prayed for the boys receiving them. It went better than I could've hoped :-)

I'm already looking forward to continuing these two traditions next year! I hope to use opportunities like these to give both boys a heart for giving. To put into practice the ideals they're learning everyday. To show and share Christ's love.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone :-)

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