Thursday, November 11, 2010

Sweet Moment

It's been a crazy busy week. We were gone most of today and ended with a quick trip to the grocery store.

The boys and I pulled into a parking spot at our building. I called Jesse for him to come carry Gabriel (in his carseat) inside (standard procedure). I got out, grabbed my water bottle, unbuckled Ethan from the carseat, and opened Gabriel's door so I could lock up. After the doors were locked I started getting the bags out of the trunk. Ethan climbed out of the car and was standing next to me.

Gabriel was fine and then realized he was in the car and couldn't see either of us. He started crying. I talked to him, told him I was still there. He cried harder. I asked Ethan to go stand next to him because he was scared.

Ethan said "Okay!" and started walking to Gabriel's door. As he approached his little brother I heard him say "It's okay, Gay-bee-ull! I'm right here!" in the SWEETEST, most concerned tone. As soon as Gabriel saw and heard him, he stopped crying.

Ethan frequently goes to his brother when he's upset to try to cheer him up. At 3 years old he knows that when a baby cries, you go to him. You comfort him. You do what you can to satisfy his needs and make him feel happy and secure. Because a baby cries for a reason - and it's not to manipulate you.

How does he know this? Because this is how he's been treated. Because this is how he sees his brother treated. Because this is how it's supposed to be...


  1. Yeh... most kids at that age are more than willing to help their younger siblings. This is all normal. Enjoy it while you can and pray it lasts! LOL!

  2. Ah that is so sweet!

    What a great story to share. I just love watching my two interact & it's extra sweet to see them picking up on how you respond. Love it!
